About Us

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Our Club History

Our Club has been part of the Canberra basketball community since the 1980s when we were two separate Clubs (Minstrels and Eveready). Those clubs merged to become a principal basketball club and moved to the southside (Tuggeranong).  In 2011, we changed our name to reflect our player base and became the Tuggeranong Southern Cross Basketball Club (or TSC).

Since then, we have built a very successful junior basketball program. We are now one of the largest junior clubs in Canberra fielding 42 junior teams in winter 2023 (including 8 JPL (junior premier league) teams).

We are now working on establishing a senior program and in 2024, we will be fielding teams in both Men’s SPL1 and SPL2 and Women’s SPL2 and B grade competitions.

Mission Vission

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle and encourage a lifelong love of basketball. We develop fundamental basketball skills in a safe environment while also teaching valuable life lessons in respect, leadership and teamwork.

Our Values

Our Club is welcoming and inclusive. Our aim is to make basketball accessible to everyone and to develop a supportive environment where all players are valued and feel a strong sense of community.