Coach Hub

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Interested in coaching?

We are always looking for coaches for our ever-growing number of teams. If you have any background in basketball or an interest in coaching, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us on




Expectations of a coach

Basketball is a team sport. Individual skills are only effective when the team can collaborate, take advantage of each other’s strengths and work towards the same goal. Over a season, your aim is to build a good team – not necessarily one that wins games but one where the players work together and support each other.

You should also be developing individual players. Reward effort and intensity at training. Your training drills should challenge the kids, help them learn new skills, and develop their confidence. And give them plenty of game time to practice their skills!

Finally, coaches are role models and set the standards of behavior for their teams and spectators. Kids don’t just learn technical skills from their coach, they also pick up valuable life skills like leadership, respect, and empathy. Be kind and respectful of all officials and players and be mindful that some referees will be very young and easily intimidated by older coaches.

10 Golden Rules for Coaches:

  1. Treat everyone with respect.
  2. Be calm and patient.
  3. Reward individual effort and recognize players.
  4. Build a team where players look out for each other and work together for the common good.
  5. Set clear expectations for your players, parents, and spectators and pull up poor behavior.
  6. Turn up to games and training on time and be organized and well-prepared.
  7. Don’t cancel training or (worse) forfeit games – have backup plans and ask for help if you need it!
  8. Communicate with your parents – make sure they know game times and are doing bench duty!
  9. Keep watching and learning from other coaches.
  10. Have fun and remember basketball is a game!

Coach resources

BACT provides coach resources on their website. Look out for their free coaching sessions and if you are interested in improving your coaching skills, there are also regular coach accreditation courses available and advertised on their website.

Resources – Basketball ACT