Refund Policy

Home Refund Policy

Refund Policy

The Club nominates teams for the following season based on our number of individual registrations. If a player withdraws after registering, then they create work for our volunteers and disrupt teams.

There can also be a significant cost for the club if the withdrawal impacts team numbers. BACT registration and court hire fees are payable per team (regardless of the number of players) and our fees are calculated assuming a certain number of players. If there are fewer players in the team, the Club has to meet the cost difference. In addition, if the team falls below the minimum seven players, we may need to withdraw it from the competition in which case the Club is not entitled to any refund of the team fees.

Because of the cost and inconvenience of withdrawal, there are only limited circumstances when the Club will refund club registration fees. These are:

  • Withdrawal after registration – $50 admin fee.
  • Withdrawal after team lists are published – $100 admin fee.
  • Withdrawal after round 1 – no refund.
  • Extenuating circumstances (player injury) – if a player is forced to withdraw from basketball during the season because of extenuating circumstances (e.g. a medical issue or injury), a pro-rata refund of club fees may apply if the player has missed more than 6 games.  Each case will be considered on its merits and supporting evidence may be required.  The player or parent should notify the Team Coach and Manager of their inability to continue playing.  When returning to play after an injury, a player will need to provide written clearance from a medical professional. 
  • Club-initiated withdrawal – if the Club has to withdraw a team due to insufficient player numbers, any remaining players will be entitled to a pro-rata refund of club fees.

All refund requests should be directed to the Club Treasurer on

Note that the individual registration fee is set by, and paid directly to, Basketball ACT.   This fee is transferable if a player is moving to another club.