Senior Competitions

Home Senior Competitions


There are 2 seasons per year in the Senior social competitions (A– E grade). The seasons are roughly equal with a summer season from October to March and a winter season from April through to September.

TSC is still building its senior program and we currently only have one social senior team which is a women’s B grade team playing in Belconnen.  Unfortunately, if you are looking at a different grade as a single senior player, you’ll need to contact one of the other Clubs.  Hopefully in the future, we will be able to offer more options for you.

The link to access current social season draws is here

The link to access the social season duty roster is here

Senior Premier League

TSC has SPL1 and SPL2 men’s teams and an SPL2 women’s team in the winter 2024 competition. If you are interested in playing at this level, please contact us on

The SPL Women currently train on Monday nights at Canberra College and plays on Thursday nights at either Tuggeranong or Belconnen Stadiums.

The SPL Men currently train on Monday night at Lanyon High School. The SPL1 team plays on Wednesday night and the SPL2 team plays on Thursdays. Both competitions play at either Tuggeranong or Belconnen Stadiums.

The Draws and Results and Duty Roster for all SPL teams are available from the Basketball ACT website. Direct links will be provided below once the competition starts.